From Transistor to Microcircuit (part 1 of the series)
О курсе
A series of e-courses "The way the creators of smart nanochips work" consists of three e-courses, in which the technological stage by stage process of creating a microcircuit is described, as well as how the construction of the product is assembled.
In the e-course “From Transistor to Microcircuit” the main objects that an electronic engineer works with such as electrical signals , logic elements, and memory cells are analyzed in details.
In the next two e-courses of the series “The Logical Side of Digital Circuitry” and “The Physical side of digital circuitry” the way of how engineers construct circuits is presented.
This series of courses is designed for students of 8-11 grades who are interested in nanoelectronics and programming and related professions and specialties and who are familiar with the concept of electrical voltage in the framework of the basic school curriculum for the course "physics".
For students taking this e-course it is desirable (but not necessary) to be familiar with “boolean algebra”, “binary numbers” and “ transistor operations” (in the series the brief explanations are given on these topics) and to understand the concepts of the “algorithm” and be able to program in any language.