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Nanotechnology and nanoobjects in genetic engineering: benefits and risks

Nanotechnology and nanoobjects in genetic engineering: benefits and risks

After the discovery by J. Watson and F. Crick of the double-stranded DNA structure in 1953, the development of the theoretical foundations and technologies of working with nano objects in the life sciences went on at a rapid pace. The basic mechanisms for the operation of these facilities have become clear in the next few decades.

О курсе

After the discovery by J. Watson and F. Crick of the double-stranded DNA structure in 1953, the development of the theoretical foundations and technologies of working with nano objects in the life sciences went on at a rapid pace. The basic mechanisms for the operation of these facilities have become clear in the next few decades.

What is the course?

For a better understanding of the work of scientists with DNA, we compiled an electronic course on the methods and results of creating genetically modified organisms (GMOs), as well as the author's personal experience in the creation and testing of genetically modified crops. The types and uses of GMOs are considered in the context of the role of nanosystems and nanoobjects in improving people's health and improving their quality of life.

The target audience

The course is designed for high school students (grades 9-11), who already have certain knowledge and skills in the field of molecular biology at the level of basic concepts and processes.

Krasheninnikova Lyubov Veniaminovna
Krasheninnikova Lyubov Veniaminovna
Ph.D., MBA (Open), Virtual Teacher Specialization California University, Irvine via Coursera,, expert of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies for Continuing Education of Moscow State Pedagogical University

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Ваш будущий сертификат: Nanotechnology and nanoobjects in genetic engineering: benefits and risks